Sunday Worship Schedule
8 AM Traditional Service with Holy Communion (Rite I - King James language) with no music
9:15 AM Contemporary Service with Holy Communion (Rite II - modern language) with praise band (in-person and live on Facebook)
11 AM Traditional Service with Holy Communion (Rite II - modern language) with organ and choir
Nursery Child Care
Nursery childcare is provided for children aged 0-3. If you'd prefer to keep your young children close, they are welcome to be with you in church.
Children's Sunday School
9:15 AM Fun and engaging Sunday School is offered during the 9:15 AM service for children aged 5 and up.
Sunday Coffee and Fellowship
Coffee, conversation, and light breakfast foods are available between services in the Parish Hall. All are welcome!
Weekday Worship
Wednesdays at Noon - Communion Service with Healing Prayer (in-person and streamed live on Facebook)