One of the promises that we make in baptism is to "seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves." Members of St. Thomas are active in ministry to each other and to the world by volunteering in a variety of church, community, and international ministries. Our commitment to serve the Lord is an integral part of life in our church community.
The ministry of acolyte has a rich history in the church. Adults and youth, ages eight and up, learn more about the Episcopal Church and participate in services.
Acolytes perform several functions, such as torch bearer or crucifer, or carrying the Gospel Book, banners, or flags. New acolytes shadow more experienced acolytes while they learn their duties, moving from one position to another as they grow and mature in service. Older acolytes mentor younger servers as they go about their duties each Sunday.
All children and Youth are invited and encouraged to take part in this active ministry. If you would like more information, please contact the church office.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a volunteer group whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services and clean up afterward. Altar Guild members also frequently supervise the decoration of the sanctuary with flowers, especially for special Christmas and Easter Celebrations.
We are always looking for new members. Individual training is available. If you would like more information, please contact the church office.
Assistance Ministry
The mission of the Assistance Ministry Program is to provide volunteer services to members of St. Thomas who encounter difficulties because they live alone and do not have family members nearby to assist them.
Program volunteers respond to requests for services by providing comfort and companionship at times of crisis and maintaining contact to ensure members are safe and able to carry out the requirements of daily living. Services provided under the program include:
- visiting members at their homes, hospitals, or nursing homes.
- alerting members’ emergency contacts of updates.
- transportation to professional appointments, doctor’s offices, etc. within Flagler County.
- transportation to church, grocery stores, and other facilities as needed.
To request services, click the box below and complete a request form. Contact the church office for additional information.
The Assistance Ministry and its affiliated programs offer voluntary, basic services. They do not provide professional services or endorsements of professional organizations or services.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is an international ministry of men and boys within the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. It is dedicated to the spread of Christ's Kingdom using prayer, study, and service. If you would like more information, please contact the church office.
Daughters of the King
The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) is a religious order with a mission to extend Christ’s kingdom through prayer, service, and evangelism. Each daughter takes a lifetime vow to live by the Rule of Life that requires spiritual discipline of daily prayer, service, and evangelism. Members wear crosses as a visible sign that they cannot live one day without Christ.
The DOK reflects God's nurturing love through:
- Ongoing payer chain – we pray daily for those whose names have been submitted as needing prayer.
- Prayer Vigils as needed.
- Two by two visits to homebound or ill members.
- Delivering altar flowers to homebound or ill members.
- Hosting Quiet Days before Lent and Advent.
- Helping Family Promise by preparing and serving a meal.
- Attending two diocesan Daughters of the King Assembles each year (fall and spring).
We meet monthly, September through May, on the third Thursday at 10 a.m. For more information contact the church office.
Episcopal Church Men (ECM)
The Episcopal Church Men (ECM) come together for breakfast, September through May, on second Saturdays. Breakfast meetings include fun, fellowship, a little business, and often a guest speaker. The ECM hosts the Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper, and cooks and serves at other events such as the church picnic. Activities of the ECM finance a variety of parish needs.
For more information about the ECM, contact the church office.
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
Episcopal Church Women (ECW) empowers women to do Christ's ministry in the world.
Our vision is that we are a vibrant blend of all ages, coming together as a peacemaking, healing part of the Church. We aspire to be a Godspark - shining and sharing the love of Christ.
We offer fellowship while providing financial assistance to various church ministries.
The ECW meets from September through May, on the second Thursday of the month at 10 a.m. with lunch following the meeting. The Christmas and May luncheons are held off campus.
Contact: Carole MacDonald or Pat Schwartz
Eucharistic Visitors
A Eucharistic Visitor is a layperson authorized to take the Consecrated Elements (the bread and the wine) following a Celebration of Holy Communion (Eucharist) to congregation members who could not attend the service because of illness or infirmity. A Eucharistic Visitor acts under the direction of the Clergy.
A Eucharistic Visitor is both sacramental and pastoral. The visit is sacramental because we bear the sacraments of bread and wine on behalf of the community. At the same time, we must be prepared to act pastorally to those we visit.
For more information, contact the church office.
The Finance Committee
Members of the Finance Committee work closely with the Vestry and the Business Manager. They meet quarterly to review the financial reports and ensure that funds received through pledges and offerings are properly allocated and bills paid as budgeted. The Stewardship Chair, Treasurer, Rector, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, and two parishioners-at-large serve and prepare the budget for the parish before the December Vestry Meeting each year.
If you would like more information, contact the church office.
The ministry of the greeter is at the center of radical hospitality at St. Thomas. Greeters welcome everyone, especially newcomers. This ministry is crucial to helping everyone feel comfortable. Greeters also maintain communication with the Ushers.
Before Services, Greeters:
- Establish a warm and welcoming environment for all.
- Welcome everyone to worship.
- Greet newcomers, answer questions, and direct them to the nursery, bathrooms, etc.
- Let visitors know that they may sit anywhere.
- Invite visitors to fill out "Visitor Information Cards".
- Offer to sit with visitors.
- Assist Ushers.
We welcome and nurture all who walk through St. Thomas' door, helping them feel at home and assisting them as they integrate into the life of the congregation.
The Membership Ministry consists of co-chairs and dedicated church members. We host a Welcome Luncheon in the Spring and Fall for new members. We also maintain the Prayer List and contact parishioners on the list.
Outreach Ministry
The St. Thomas Outreach Ministry supports numerous community organizations such as the Grace Community Food Pantry, the Flagler County Free Clinic, and the Sheltering Tree. Financial support is provided for diocesan-wide outreach efforts through the Diocese of Florida, and for world-wide outreach through Episcopal Relief & Development. Additionally through financial contributions and in-person mission teams we assist our sister church, Todas Los Santos located in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
If you would like to become a more active participant in the Outreach Ministry, contact the church office.
Parish Life
The Parish Life Ministry meets the 1st Tuesday of every month at 10 a.m. and supports opportunities for fellowship and benevolent service by preparing and serving food for the church. As a result, The Parish Life Ministry:
- Helps encourage and sustain the spiritual livelihood of the Church.
- Creates fellowship opportunities.
- Supports key church events.
- Publicizes upcoming events.